Kids Clinics
Kids clinics specialize in teaching kids how to slide and guide their reins. Managing your reins is key to any success while riding your horse.
Wylene loves kids clinics because she always says she's a kid at heart. It's less about teaching technique and more about having fun on your horse to teach confidence. It's not learning through fear, it's learning through fun and laughter.
Children love activities and partner exercises and this is a great way to build their confidence and horsemanship abilities. It's also about teaching the proper way to dismount a horse and the proper way to fall off safely which is a MUST with children.
Clinics are at max, 5 hours long with lunch in between. Wylene can come out just for a kids clinic weekend or she can do kids clinic before or after a normal one. Kids clinics can be geared towards 4H groups, pony clubs, riding academy's, junior rodeo). All disciplines, breeds, and rider/horse levels are welcome.
Cost: $500/rider